A fundamental tool that I work on with many clients is helping them to manage stress and anxiety. Overwhelming stress is present for so many of my clients and it is no wonder why- life moves so fast, obligations are endless, more and more is demanded of us; if we are not Superman or Superwoman we feel inadequate. We maintain the appearance of keeping it together when truthfully it feels everything is falling apart.

Despite the overwhelming pressures of life, it is possible to take a break and take a deep breath. I integrate mindfulness and relaxation techniques into many of my sessions- this helps you slow down your thoughts, breathing, and reactions, all of which eases anxiety and gradually transforms your nervous system's response to stress. Click here for four easy mindfulness exercises to calm stress.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Therapy is another method of treatment that can transform the nervous system’s reaction to stress and triggering situations. 

With these evidence-based approaches, you are better able to manage day-to-day stress, and are able to respond, rather than react, to challenging situations. This sets the foundation for deep psychological and emotional transformation as you develop greater clarity, stability and self-awareness in your life.

From this place of inner-security, we explore your deepest, heartfelt desires and aspirations and empower you to make lasting life changes with insight, confidence and authenticity.